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Válvulas De Artículo

Summary of knowledge points of valve maintenance

Summary of knowledge points of valve maintenance

  • 2024/09/19

Valve is a kind of mechanical instrument which can control the flow direction, pressure, flow and adjust the medium parameters. It is often used in every aspect of the fluid control system. Valve as an important fluid control components, its application has a strong safety, reliability and economy, so it is particularly important for valve maintenance and maintenance.

  • Check the valve before installation

a.Check whether the valve interface is in compliance with the design requirements

b.Check whether the valve opening and closing and adjusting performance meet the requirements

c.Check the valve chamber for debris

d.Check that the valve is installed in the correct position and orientation

e.Check whether the fastening bolts of the valve are loose

f.Check whether the valve motor and manual mechanism is flexible

g.Check the position of full opening and full closing

  • Daily maintenance of valves

a.Check the working condition of the valve regularly to see if it is normal

b.Check the valve for leakage or clogging

c.Remove internal impurities from valve at all times

d.Add lubricant regularly to protect valve mechanism

e.The valve appearance is clean, prevents the surface to cause the corrosion

f.Valve storage to pay attention to dry, ventilated, to avoid rain and snow into the ground to prevent moisture

  • Valve equipment maintenance

a.Check for scratches, cracks, or other damage to the internal sealing surfaces and spheres of the valve

b.Check the spring, seal ring, packing, motor, reducer and other accessories of the valve

c.Clean the valve regularly to remove impurities and corrosion

d.Valve in the process of processing and operation, should pay attention to avoid the valve received excessive vibration, collision, applied to excessive pressure

  • Valve trouble shooting

a.Replacement of spare parts

b.Check whether the sealing surface is damaged, do a good job of the damaged parts of the treatment

c.Observe the valve environment, check whether there is media loss of the situation

d.Observe whether there is any abnormal sound when the valve is running

e.The valve must be checked thoroughly after replacement to ensure that the performance and quality of the valve meet the requirements

5.Safe operation of valves

a.During use, the valve should be manually started or closed

b.Schedule regular valve inspection and repair

c.Pay attention to the sealing performance of the valve, as well as the presence of foreign bodies and other effects on the use of the valve

d.Regularly lubricate and wax the valve to ensure that the valve is in good condition during long-term use to avoid rust and clogging problems

In short, the valve as an important fluid control system of the fluid control components, in the use of the process must be strictly in accordance with the installation specifications to do a good job in daily maintenance and other links to ensure its normal use and smooth operation, optimize production quality and improve work efficiency.

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